SSL Validation
SSL Certificate Monitoring is a crucial tool for website security. It continuously checks the validity of your website's SSL certificate. This ensures your site remains secure and trustworthy for visitors.

This service alerts you before your SSL certificate expires. It helps in preventing any website downtime due to expired certificates. Keeping your SSL certificate updated enhances customer confidence and protects their data.
Why Burbox
Get notified before your certificate expires
Custom Errors
In some cases, different errors may be received even if your certificate has not expired. We detect them instantly and inform you.
Get Notified
You can be notified when your certificate expires or 30 days before. In this way, if you forget to renew, we will remind you.
Multiple Regions
We monitor your website from about 20 countries, so you can be instantly informed about country-based problems. Let your website be active all over the world!
Planned Maintenances
You can put your website to maintenance mode at any time. In this way, when we receive an error, we will not notify your team and there will be no unnecessary mail traffic.
Multiple Regions
Your website may be serving more than one country, and in some cases there may be problems accessing your website from only one country.

The records of each monitored website are kept for 1 year. You can access historical data retroactively at any time.
Get emergency alert immediately
You and your team can be notified instantly when your website downs or slowdowns. In this way, you will be the first to know when there is a problem.

Moreover, we monitor your website not only from one country, we monitor your website more than 50 countries. You will be instantly get informed any slowdowns or crashes in these countries.

If you want, you can have it monitored only from certain regions.
Performance Of Your Website
When your website is visited, files such as images and scripts are uploaded. Sometimes these files get an error loading or take longer than expected to load.

You can view the performance of your website at any time. In this way, you can see the busy hours. If your website is slow, you and your team can be notified.
Requests Timeline
When your website is visited, files such as images and scripts are uploaded. Sometimes these files get an error loading or take longer than expected to load.

Thanks to the Timeline, you can see your files with the highest size and the longest duration, and take action accordingly.
Get started
Start monitoring your website's availability and dive into all this powerful features right now!
Try Free for 7-day
* Don't worry, we don't need your credit card for trial 😊